Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Palbee for Online Collaboration

Palbee allows up to 9 people to simultaneously work in an interactive online environment with video, chat, and whiteboard capabilities. Oh and not to forget the recording and sharing features of the output. This product is similar to Yugma but with its own twist. So go out and take a look at this site to see what it has. You can take the content and embed it into your own webpage after you have recorded your session. You can upload photos, graphics and powerpoints which can then be added to the whiteboard area and changed, modified or drawn over. This is a free online service that has you to create a username and password. All of your attendees will need to create a username as well to join in your session. But you can LOCK down the session so that only you, the owner, and the people you invite can participate. You can also set it as a widget on your browser.

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