Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We Are...

Some faculty members at a local school had never seen Photo Story 3, Movie Maker or heard of a vodcast before a couple of months ago. Now they have created a number of vodcasts representing their school. Here is their latest creation. Enjoy it and read some of the comments on how they created this. My hats off to them for coming so far so fast.

"Making the storyboard first was probably one of the most helpful tools because I knew exactly what kind of pictures I needed and where they needed to go in the sequence of the story. I love creating these stories and can't wait to learn more about editing videos. "...

"I wanted the video to have a clear message, but I wanted the words to come through powerfully yet subtly. In order to do that, I decided to have a black background with the words written in red. I felt the contrast between the bright colors and the dark background would give it intensity, but the lack of narration would give it a visual effect. I also wanted the phrases to be short, and the meanings (and pictures) present contrasting images between the old and the new."...

"...The classroom no longer has to be contained in four walls. The traditional walls of old school education are crumbling. When I thought of wall crumbling, I wanted a visual effect to enhance that image and phrase which is why I searched for a transitional effect that would make the slide look like it was falling or crumbling to reveal a world beyond. The word slides are made using the PowerPoint program, and I saved the slides in the presentation as separate J-PEG images."...

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